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Years 5 & 6

Welcome to the

Autumn Term 2024

in Year 5 and 6! 





Year 5 and 6 - Autumn Term 2024


Before we inform you of activities and events that will be happening in Year 5 and 6 during the Autumn Term, we would first of all like to welcome you, or welcome you back to the phase - we hope that we will all be able to work together in the spirit of our school motto:

'Together with Christ Everyone Achieves More'.

We are so very pleased to be welcoming all children in Year 5&6 on Wednesday 4th September 2024 after a wonderful summer break.

The curriculum in Year 5 and 6 this term:

The unit is called 'Is it right to fight?'


The units this term include – The life of Mary & the Saints, Baptism & Confirmation, Advent and Christmas. Some children in Year 6 will be preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation – a date yet to be confirmed - but it will take place in the parish church of St Mary and St Benedict. The children will also take part in Mass at our parish church on Feast Days throughout the term.


Fiction: War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, William Shakespeare plays and The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

Non Fiction: Reports and Recounts, with a focus on the past tense in the simple form as well as past present and past progressive.

Grammar: children will continue to work on word class, sentence structure and practise using this knowledge in a variety of writing genre. They will grow in confidence using the correct terminology in their spoken work too.

Guided Reading will focus on language and breadth of knowledge across a variety of fiction and non-fiction subjects. It will help the children develop an understanding of historical, factual and challenging topics. You can find some more information about reading skills and strategies in the reading diary your child brings home. Please take a moment to read through this with your child. We will be using a programme called Comprehension Express to develop reading fluency as well as language knowledge and application.

Spellings: your child will have a spelling assessment each week that will focus on word families and types of words. Please help your child learn and practise using these words in written and spoken work. There will be up to 15 weekly spellings which your child must write in sentences. They will be tested on all words.


4 number rules



Handling Data

Shape and Space

All of these areas of learning will be contextualised within a variety of word problems.

Your child will have a mental maths assessment regularly - practise of multiplication tables and completion of homework will ensure that they can always achieve their best.


Earth and Space


Many learning opportunities will be contextualised with experimental conditions if appropriate.


Time Zones and the world

The World Wars (Focus on the Second World War)

Remembrance Day

The locality of Coventry and how the war affected it.

Other Subjects:

Music: The children will take part in weekly music lessons with a visiting musician – Mrs Clayton - from Coventry PAS.

Computing: The children will learn to devise a game and how to crack codes. We will also revise internet safety and technological safety with the children. Our units always include a focus on cyber-bullying.

PE: Cricket/Tag Rugby with Mr Perkins on Wednesday and Team games (Basketball and Dodgeball) on a Friday afternoon. 

Your child should wear a white T-shirt, black shorts or joggers and black pumps or trainers to school on Wednesday and Friday for PE lessons.

Please make sure all jewellery is removed.

In order for your child to continue to participate and progress fully, they need to maintain great attendance and punctuality. 

  • Gates and classroom doors will open at 8.30am.
  • Registration is at 8.45am.
  • Fluency sessions start at 8.50am
  • Core curriculum lessons begin at 9am.


Also, for your child to be able to complete their homework at home this term they will need a pen, pencil, ruler, and pencil crayons as well as a  dictionary and thesaurus.


If your child has access to a computer, there are a selection of games and tasks on DB Primary and Purple Mash. Your child has an account for both. This information will be stuck into their reading diaries at the start of the year.


If your child has medical needs which require them to be supported by the school staff, please inform the class teacher immediately. If your child has asthma inhalers, epipens etc….please make sure that all  medication is in date.


There will be a variety of school experiences organised this term to support and enhance the learning experience for the children - we will keep you updated with information on a needs basis.


Mrs Kimberley’s class will be dismissed at 3pm at the double doors at the top of the playground (under the canopy).


If your child is in Year 6 and you would like them to walk home by themselves, please write a letter giving your permission.


We look forward to working with you during this academic year.


Year 5&6 Team



Y6 Parent SAT meeting 2024

Hello and Welcome to the New Year 5 and 6 pages!


Keep checking to find out what we are up to!
