Home Page


Welcome to St Mary and St Benedict Catholic Primary School


We are a busy but friendly school, with lots going on. This website aims to give you a taster of the school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents and pupils. If there is any information that you would like a paper copy of, please do contact the school and we would be happy to provide this for you.


We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find any information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have. Visitors are always welcome!

As a Voluntary Aided Catholic school we have very close links with St Mary and St Benedict Church and the Archdiocese of Birmingham. The Children follow the Archdiocese religious education program ‘Learning and Growing as the people of God’. Acts of Catholic worship are held daily through regular assemblies and liturgies, and through morning, lunchtime and hometime prayer. Children attend Mass at St Mary and St Benedict Church on a regular basis and the church is integral to the children’s learning at our school. Children can prepare for their Holy Communion and Confirmation as part of their Religious Education provision. 


Catholic schools ensure that as part of their Catholic teachings, values and virtues are a key focus. The values and virtues show how pupils are growing in their faith as well as how schools help their pupils to grow. It is the intention that across the whole of the Archdiocese schools will focus upon the same pair of virtues at the same time. This will enable us to share ideas and resources and strengthen our common bond. 

Aims of our School


Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do at St Mary and St Benedict. They underpin our teaching and learning, and create the ethos which prepares our pupils to be happy and confident citizens.


To develop our children’s spiritual, social, moral and cultural growth within a caring Catholic environment where life is centred around Christ’s teachings.



To achieve this all staff and pupils will:

  • ~ work together to build a Christian Catholic community within the school and appreciate each person’s contribution to every aspect of school life
  • ~ encourage and foster mutual respect towards each other by being polite and understanding, and respectful of the beliefs of others
  • ~ create a welcoming atmosphere for all who come into contact with our school
  • ~ celebrate our commitment to Christ and His church through appropriate sacramental programmes and liturgies for children, parents, staff and parish members
  • ~ encourage individual prayer and collective worship in class, at home and in church


We will provide a caring, supportive environment where each child’s contribution is encouraged and accepted.




To achieve this the school will endeavour to foster attitudes of mutual care and respect for everybody by:­

~ developing self-esteem by acknowledging and rewarding people’s efforts in contributing to all aspects of the school community  

~ fostering within the children a respect for discipline and school rules encouraging care of school and personal property 

~ providing opportunities for children to share and celebrate each other’s talents and achievements

~ striving to give every child opportunities to experience success

~ fostering positive relationships with peer groups and adults by opportunities afforded through social activities as a way forward to living a responsible, happy, fulfilled life in society.


To provide a broad, rich and stimulating curriculum which will enable each child to reach their full potential.


To achieve this the school will: ­

    ~ give all children access to a curriculum which would enable them to develop             skills of literacy, oracy, numeracy to the highest possible level and enable each child to express him/herself through a variety of media e.g. artistic - creative - musical - physical  activities

~ develop lively enquiring minds by exposing the children to various aspects of research and discovery

  • ~ use outside agencies and their expertise to help meet special educational needs if required
  • ~ provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities to develop further particular skills and talents.

