Palm Sunday
“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26: 14-27: 66
This week, Holy Week, we enter into the way of the cross. If we can carve out time to pray, read the scriptures and be still before the Lord this week, we will be truly blessed.
Lord Jesus, you paid the price for our sin. Teach me to glory in the cross and bow down before you, the crucified and risen Lord. Amen.
Monday of Holy Week
“She had to keep this scent for the day of my burial.” John 12:1-11
Mary had kept the jar of nard, an expensive fragrance, to anoint the feet of Jesus and then she wiped it away with her hair. She was preparing Jesus’ body for burial.
Lord teach me to be generous, to share my time, my love and to serve without counting the cost. Amen
Tuesday of Holy Week
“I tell you the truth: one of you is going to betray me.” John 13: 21-33, 36-38
Peter promised to lay down his life for the Lord. But when the cock crowed he came face to face with his cowardice. He betrayed Jesus. His tears of sorrow and repentance, like the waters of Baptism, brought him back to new life. Then he was able to go back and become a rock of faith.
Lord, we know that Jesus has promised to return, we don’t know when, but we need to be ready to greet him. Lord Jesus, please help us to be ready for you when you call us. Amen
Wednesday of Holy Week
“He who has dipped his hand in the dish will betray me.” Matthew 26: 14-25
What led Judas to betray Jesus? He was confused and weak; our minds can be just the same. When we fail to follow our values and beliefs, when we set a bad example or use bad language, we too betray the Lord. But we know we can turn back to the Lord knowing he will show us his mercy and forgiveness.
Lord, we pray that we may be filled with a deeper love for you. Amen.
Maundy Thursday – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
“You also ought to wash one another’s feet.” John 13: 1-15
Washing anyone’s feet at the best of times can be difficult and humbling. In Israel at the time, such a menial task was reserved for the lowest servants. Jesus was showing us all that we are all called to served others. Today we are called to serve the poor who are close to us and those who are far away.
Lord grant me the blessing of serving the poor and those in need with a willing and generous heart.
Good Friday – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
“It is finished.” John 19:30
Today is a good day. Today is a blessed day when God’s mercy is fully revealed on the cross. Look at the cross because it was here he proved his love for everyone. When Jesus hung on the cross, bled and died it was God saying to the world – I love you.
Almighty and ever living God, today on this good and holy day, we rejoice and glory in the wood of the cross upon which the Saviour of the world died and saved us. Amen.
Holy Saturday
“And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshipped him.” Matthew 28: 1-10
This is a holy and sacred day when we wait patiently and silently at the Lord’s tomb. There is excitement in the air; we sense the Holy Spirit moving among us, preparing us for the joy of Easter.
Almighty God, restore us to life by your death and resurrection. Have mercy on all our loved ones who have died and on those who have no one to pray for them this day. Amen.
Easter Sunday
“He saw and believed.” John 20: 1-9
The resurrection of Jesus reveals no obstacle is too large, no problem too big and nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from the love of God. The joy of the resurrection fills our hearts!
Lord, as the light of your resurrection dawns, may our Easter alleluia burst forth in new joy and hope. Amen.