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The Teaching of Mathematics at St Mary and St Benedict



Mathematics is a life skill.  It is an essential element of communication, widely used in society, both in everyday situations and in the world of work. At St Mary and St Benedict Catholic Primary School we want all our children to succeed in Mathematics. We want them to be excited by mathematics so that they develop a desire to continue to study the subject beyond their primary education. We want children to understand how mathematics can help them be better equipped for their future.



  • to raise levels of attainment for every child
  • to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems
  • To enable pupils to express themselves and their ideas using the language of mathematics with assurance.
  • To develop positive attitudes to mathematics, recognising that mathematics can be both useful and enjoyable. 
  • To nurture a fascination and excitement of mathematics
  • To be able to use and apply the skills in other curricular areas.


 Teaching Mathematics



  • A daily mathematics lesson of 45 – 60 minutes is taught in Year 1 – 6.
  • Pupils in the EYFS experience mathematics on a daily basis as it is woven into the environment and daily routines. The Nursery focus on specific nursery rhymes to introduce concepts They have a daily counting session and also have a number focus during their daily snack. Reception Class have a daily Mathematics lesson and are in groups differentiated by ability in order to meet individual needs. Problem solving is integrated into provision and opportunities to consolidate taught skills are presented during child initiated time. 
  • The skills acquired in the Mathematics lesson are applied across the curriculum


   Teaching strategies

  • In order to provide the children with active and stimulating learning experiences, a variety of teaching and learning opportunities are adopted:-

  • Children may work individually on a task, in pairs or in a small group, depending on the nature of the activity.
  • Wherever possible practical ‘real’ activities are used to introduce concepts and reinforce learning objectives.
  • Opportunities to transfer skills learnt, to real situations, are used whenever possible.
  • Activities are planned to encourage the full and active participation of all pupils.
  • Teachers differentiate tasks throughout the lesson in order to meet the needs of all abilities. 
  • Teachers place a strong emphasis on correct use of mathematical language; this is supported by key vocabulary being displayed.
  • Teachers value pupils’ oral contributions and create an ethos in which all children feel they can contribute. 


Assessment takes place at three connected levels: short-term, medium-term and long-term. These assessments are used to inform teaching a continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessment. 


Day-to-day assessments

As part of the ongoing teaching and learning process, teachers will assess children's understanding, achievement and progress in mathematics.  Assessment may be based upon observation, questioning, informal testing and the marking and evaluation of work.  This will inform day to day teaching and learning and provide feedback to children.  Learners will also be taught to assess and evaluate their own achievements by recognising successes, learning from their own mistakes and identifying areas for improvement. 


Periodic assessments

These take place at the end of a unit.  Teachers assess key ideas, learning objectives, targets and areas of concern that have been covered during these units.  The outcomes of short and medium term assessments will be recorded on a class record sheet of National Curriculum Statutory Requirements.


Termly assessments

These are carried out towards the end of the school year to assess and review pupils’ progress and attainment. The ‘Progress in Understanding Mathematics Assessment’ will be given termly and the results will be tracked and analysed using ‘O Track’ software. The results will inform groupings and intervention programmes.

