‘Achievement is good for all groups of pupils...this includes those with special educational needs.’ Ofsted 2017
St Mary and St Benedict Catholic Primary School is an inclusive school that values each member of our community as unique and a child of God. All children have a right to an education which will allow them to reach their full potential, including those children with Special Educational Needs.
In our school this is achieved by teachers planning individual work and support for children using school resources and, when necessary, using the help of specialist services, including the school Educational Psychologist, Complex Communication Team and the Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Learning Team who can offer us advice and provide materials. There is a team of Learning Support Assistants in each phase, and additional language support assistants for children learning English as an additional language. Children are assessed and provision planned according to their needs. The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator arranges this and has the support of the nominated School Governor. We also provide onsite Speech and Language assessments and therapy for those children who need this support.
Parents are provided with clear information and involved in discussion and reviews about their child’s individual needs. They are encouraged to contribute to and be involved in their child’s success.
The school buildings are on ground level with easy access to all areas. The school has a policy and action plan to ensure that it meets all aspects of the Disability Discrimination Act. A Single Equality Policy is active throughout the school ensuring equality of opportunity and achievement for all.
Our school Special Educational Needs co-ordinator is Mrs Sarah Sharman, a member of our Senior Leadership Team. If you would like to discuss your child's needs or progress, please contact Mrs Sharman at the school.