Year 1 and 2 Spring Term 2025
Before we inform you of activities and events that will be happening in Year 1 and 2 during the current term, we would first of all like to welcome you- we hope that we will all be able to work together in the spirit of our school motto...
'Together with Christ Everyone Achieves More’
Spring Term Curriculum
We hope that you have had an enjoyable and restful holiday. Our new Spring Term topics are called 'Pole to Pole' and 'Farm to Fork.'
We will continue to follow our Read, Write, Inc programme and Literacy and Language programme on a daily basis with the children. The children will also be working to improve their grammar, handwriting and spelling.
Religious Education
The children will participate in weekly Holy times and assemblies as well as weekly lessons based around the life of Jesus. We will also be sending our prayer bag home with the children. This is an opportunity for you to share a special Holy time with your child at home which they can then share with us in school.
This term we will be learning about...
Throughout all of these units the children will be taught about the writing process and how to :
We will also be introducing some new 'fluency' lessons. This will help in supporting the children in remembering known number facts.
The focus in science this term will be 'The Environment'.
This half term we will be learning about:
Geography and History
This half term we will be covering objectives from both the Geography and History KS1 Programmes of Study.
We will be learning about 'The Polar regions'
Our key enquiry questions will be:
Pole to Pole
Farm to Fork
Mrs Collins' class will have P.E on Mondays. Miss Doherty's and Mr Leybourne's classes will have P.E on Tuesdays.
We will be following the Charanga Music scheme. As well as learning to sing, play, improvise and compose music, the children will listen and appraise other songs by other artists linked to a theme. Throughout the lessons the children will learn about pulse, rhythm and pace. They will also develop their skills of appraising music.
In computing we will be ensuring that all children are familiar with using our school online platforms, logging in, online safety and the correct use of computing equipment.
We also use our computing equipment regularly to support our learning in other subjects e.g. This half term the children will be using ipads to research different continents and countries.
Art and Design Technology
This term we are having a Design and Technology focus.
Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time. Classroom doors open at 8.30 am and the register will be taken at 8.45 am, anyone arriving after this time will be late.
Please read with your child daily and write a comment in their reading diary every night to show
that they have been reading at home.
All children will take part in PE lessons.
Mrs Collins' class: MONDAY
Miss Doherty's class: TUESDAY
Mr Leybourne's class: TUESDAY
Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on the day they have PE.
Click on the image to go to Oxford Owl. Follow the instructions sent by your class teacher to access the amazing library of eBooks.
Please check your DB Primary account every day for new tasks and messages from your teacher.
Please look at the Religious Education page to find your RE lessons.