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  • School Uniform

    Mon 19 Jul 2021

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    During the course of the pandemic we have operated a relaxed uniform policy to help families cope. As things return to normal, from September we will be having a resetting of standards, and expect all pupils to be following our uniform policy at all times. School uniforms serve many purposes: being a practical option to assist pupils getting ready for school, giving pupils a sense of identity and belonging, and preparing pupils for formal scenarios in life that we all encounter. These factors contribute to pupils’ well-being and help them develop their confidence and character, and focus on their studies.

    Without a uniform, what they wear can end up defining your child rather than the content of their character. Children should be prioritising the development of their personality, having the confidence to be who they are and not be defined by material things like the clothes they wear.

    Our uniform has been chosen to be widely available, and accessible to all. If you wish to buy the sweatshirt, cardigan or polo shirt with the school logo, they are available from Cat Ballou on the Burges in the city centre.

    We have decided to continue with the wearing of PE kits on days when pupils have PE - we have found the additional time gained very beneficial! Again, we have clear policies around expectations for sportswear, and ask that it is all unbranded. If pupils are attending an after school sports club, they can wear their PE kit on those days too for now.







    Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers

    Purple (with logo) sweatshirt or cardigan, or grey jumper or cardigan

    Purple (with logo) or white polo shirt or white shirt

    White or grey socks or grey tights

    Black shoes

    Grey trousers

    Purple (with logo) sweatshirt or grey jumper

    Purple (with logo) or white polo shirt or white shirt

    Grey socks

    Black shoes



    Easter to October Half-term

    Purple/lilac gingham dress

    White socks

    Black shoes

    Grey trousers or shorts

    Purple or white polo shirt

    Black shoes

    PE Kit

    Worn on PE days

    Black shorts, a plain white or purple t-shirt and trainers/black pumps

    A black tracksuit/jogging bottoms/leggings may be worn for outdoor games in colder weather. Unbranded.

    Black shorts, a plain white or purple t-shirt and trainers/black pumps

    A black tracksuit/jogging bottoms may be worn for      outdoor games in colder weather. Unbranded.

