On Monday 15th June in addition to the Keyworker Group who have been attending school, we will open to those pupils in Year 6 who indicated to us they would return to school when possible, and we have spoken to on the telephone this week. We can only accept pupils who have been booked in.
On Tuesday 16th June pupils who have arranged to return from Year 1 will begin, and on Wednesday 17th June pupils from Reception.
If you have a child in Year R, 1 or 6 and wish for them to return, you need to contact the school. Places are limited due to restrictions from social distancing due to COVID-19.
We do not have information regarding other year groups yet, and can only plan their return once directed to by the Government. In the meantime, please continue to complete Home Learning tasks, and contact the school with any issues with this.
All at SMSB