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Full Re-opening of School

School will be re-opening to all pupils starting from Thursday 3rd September - we have all control measures for COVID-19 transmission management in place and our risk assessment has been assured by Coventry City Council officers as safe to open. Pupils in Years 1-6 will return on the 3rd, and Nursery and Reception the next week - contact the school if you are unsure of your child's starting date.

The playground gates will be open from 8.30am, with pupils able to go straight into classrooms from that time. Breakfast Club will be running for pupils needing to arrive earlier than that - please make sure that you are booked in. Pupils can arrive up to 8.55am when the gates will close - we are doing it like this to reduce the numbers at the gates at any one time whilst allowing for siblings to come to school at the same time. Please maintain social distancing at the school gates and leave once you have dropped your child. 

We ask that all pupils in Key Stage 2 are dropped off and go in on their own, and will have staff from Key Stage One ready to walk children to their classrooms. Nursery and Reception parents are able to walk their child to the classroom, but cannot enter the building.

On arrival at school all pupils will wash their hands - we have installed new outdoor sinks to help with this as we will be washing hands regularly throughout the day. Pupils will then be in classrooms that have been set up according to government guidance, and will be in phase bubbles that will not mix with other pupils. Resources will not be shared until cleaned and are for the sole use of your child whenever possible. Playtimes and lunchtimes will be staggered so that bubbles do not mix, and lunches will be eaten in the classrooms which will then be cleaned. All lunches will be packed lunches to begin with, and will be provided free of charge for Reception, Years 1 and 2 and children entitled to Free School Meals. 

Parents may collect pupils from classroom doors from 2.45pm onwards; pupils who walk home alone (only permissable in Year 5/6) will need a note provided and will be dismissed at 3pm via the side gate. Again we ask that parents socially distance at gates or doors, and leave the school site and surrounding area as soon as pupils are collected. All pupils should be collected by 3pm.

There will not be any After School Clubs to begin with, but Staylate will be running for pre-booked pupils - ask at the Office for details and to book. 

The wearing of masks is optional in schools - in order to reduce any contamination risks anyone wearing a mask must provide a sealable bag in which to store it when removing for eating, etc or bin it. Masks are not provided by schools in normal circumstances, only for the provision of PPE when carrying out first aid, etc.

If you have any queries or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me - email 

Kind regards,

Mrs MacDonald
